Give Your Automotive Sales Leads the Attention They Deserve

One of the great achievements in the automotive business is the ability to get repeat and referral business. It’s really great to reap the benefits of a job well done for years to come. However, no business can survive solely on repeat and referrals alone. In order to generate new business, especially in the car business, new automotive sales leads must be generated and/or purchased.Third party generated leads are popular in the automotive business. Every now and then, you may want to do a spot check of your current lead sources, their effectiveness, as well as checking other sources that may be available. Many dealers turn to Google for the answer to their questions of what automotive sales leads are available. They may do some brief keyword play and try “new car leads” or “lead source providers”. Even if you throw the word “quality” into the mix, no search engine ranking can guarantee the quality of a third party lead. However, something you may want to search for is “Dealer Chat Leads” or “Automotive Sales Leads”.Dealer Chat is the new kid on the block when it comes to automotive sales leads. This is most likely due to the fact that dealer chat is a relatively newer technology. Many dealers are technologically driven and have jumped onto the opportunity to try something new a few years back when dealer chat was released. Other dealers weren’t so sure about this new lead source and held tight to their reservations.Some of these reserved dealers have moved on to use dealer chat to generate high quality automotive sales leads. Others are still on the fence about the idea. Sub-prime and vehicle specific leads have been around a lot longer. Third-party leads are very beneficial to a number of dealers. Despite the reports and feedback that many dealers will give to support third party leads, try to take a logistical view for a moment; where do third party leads come from?The easy answer: Third Parties.When lead source providers “acquire” their leads they sell to you, they really cannot guarantee the prospective customer was looking for a vehicle when they submitted their information. They may have been filling out an online survey, or playing the newest Facebook online game. Somehow, they’re asked if they’d be interested in a car, they click yes, fill in their information, and here comes the lead delivered to you.Let’s assume this is the kind of lead you receive in your inbox. If you do contact the prospect on the first try, you’re quite lucky. From there, if your luck is going strong, they may be able to be talked into an appointment. If your luck is really going well, you might just get a sale. This is all assuming that the prospect deep down, somehow, was in the market for a vehicle.The tune changes when the lead is generated from your own website by engaging the visitor using dealer chat. Since they’re on your website, the chances are very good they have a vehicle related question. From there, you’re much more likely to generate a high quality automotive sales lead that will hopefully result in a sale.Time and time again, research shows that automotive sales leads generated from your website have a much higher closing ratio than those of third party lead sources. Plain and simple: more sales for you.The key to capturing these website leads is having dealer chat software on your website. Staff your virtual showroom just as you staff your lot; with knowledgeable people who are ready to answer questions and give the proper attention necessary to make a prospective customer feel appreciated.No matter where you decide to get your automotive sales leads; from a third party or from your own website via dealer chat, just be sure you’re giving visitors what they want; attention, credibility, and a great experience. That’s the stuff that sells cars.

Energy Saving and High Tech Lighting In Education Improve Research and Student Productivity

If you are competing with other research and education facilities in the space of high-end conference and class rooms, high performance LED Lighting may be a good way to provide higher light levels when required and adjust the ambient light level to the task at hand while exceeding the code required maximum watts per square foot.The right kind of LED lighting, that is flicker free has dimming modulation at 500 Hz or higher well outside any chance of human stroboscopic sensitivity.Assembly and laboratory spaces as used by universities and other high-tech education and research institutions require high levels of lighting that can be adjusted to the task at hand, very high light levels for critical assembly work, and lower light levels for chemical analysis where too high light levels might influence indicators used in chemical analysis.The key objective is to provide the specified foot candles for each area while meeting or staying well below the maximum allowable wattage per square foot to pass new commercial building energy codes.According to Greg Roach, NTEC Director of Education and Laboratory Services, due to the intended use of the spaces being medical device manufacturing and classrooms involving detailed tasks, the specified maximum light levels required on demand were higher than normal office spaces.You have to have a lighting strategy for your building and look outside the standard lighting representatives portfolio to get a comprehensive and coherent lighting system that satisfies those needs and in that quest you will find that not all LED Fixtures are created equal.Human SafetyWhen creating or refurbishing a high-tech education facility biologically optimized lighting should be used. This is generally in the color temperatures between 2700K and 5200K. Higher color temperatures from 6000 to 10,000K are not suitable for classrooms as they have a too high a percentage of polarized near UV blue content that can make some people, that are sensitive to UV light, feel physically sick.The blue light in LEDs is not hard UV but with a wavelength of 635 nm it is still in the upper end of the UV spectrum and can expose UV sensitive film. If you have flown in a new Boeing 737 aircraft and feel sick or uncomfortable when the blue-white light is turned on before landing, that is the reason why. You may get the same feeling looking down and walking on Orchard Street in Singapore where pure blue high intensity LED strips are embedded in the walkway.Polarized blue light does not affect all of us but sure some. An education environment should provide the best quality lighting environment possible at the time to the largest cross-section of students possible.DimmingClass Rooms, Auditoriums, Meeting Rooms and long hallways have always been problematic to dim with conventional dimmer and dimming technology for various technical reasons.A digital dimming system by which each LED Power Supply, also referred to as driver, has a built-in digital dimming can control signal repeater, an infinite number of LED fixtures can be dimmed with one digital dimmer coming from a wall mount, a ceiling mount or a networked controller unit.Another common problem of conventional dimming is flicker. The LED fixtures that were chosen have a 500Hz modulation rate which is well outside the widely accepted maximum flicker sensitivity of humans in panic of up to 180Hz and animals of up to 230Hz.Control AbilityIf you already have an investment in a lighting management system like a Crestron or others or want to keep the user interface the same with other parts of your facilities, the ability to interface with those systems is important. LED lighting systems provide a Building Management System (BMS) Adapter which allows 0 to 10 Volt input from a Crestron, Honeywell or other system to be converted to the digital signal controlling the LED lighting fixtures. These systems can be upgraded at a later time to a more comprehensive Lightspace and Energy Management System.In some areas a significant reduction in energy use could be achieved by using motion sensors built into the fixtures or multiple ceiling mount sensors feeding into each other controlling a string of up to 40 fixtures.Range of FixturesFor NTEC, ActiveLED provided all the fixture types required for the building from Round Ceiling Down Lights in 4″, 6″ and 8″ diameters, 2′ x 4′ and 2′ x 2′ ceiling drop-ins with 72 Watt as well as 75 Watt and 150 Watt round High Bay lighting for the Warehouse and Prototype Manufacturing Area. All were dimmable using Lightspace digital controls in combination with a conventional 0 to 10 Volt dimming system.Cost of OwnershipFor a new build or a total refurbishment the Cost of Ownership is most important. LED light fixtures can provide warranties of 10 years with guaranteed light levels of 90% of the original light-level. This translates into a very low-cost of maintenance, whereas in the past re-lamping had to be put into any budgetary planning at least every 3..5 years, with LED light fixtures it may now be budgeted for a 10..12 year replacement or overhaul.In trials many of the Fluorescent Tube replacement LEDs do not provide the required light output and if they do they do not last very long and sometimes shorter than a fluorescent tube. Screw-in or PAR 38 LED replacements of high wattage do not last very long and can not produce the same lumens per watt as their FL counterparts. Replacement lamps and tubes are generally not or only poorly dimmable with varying results from light bulb to light bulb or tube to tube.Fluorescent Tubes, HID and Induction Lighting contain levels of Mercury that are highly poisonous. Cost of disposal will continue to increase and so will the requirement to keep students safe from exposure from mercury due to accidental breakage.SustainabilityThe best experience is with LED light fixture replacements rather than bulb or tube replacements. LED light fixture replacements use the whole fixture to dissipate the heat thus eliminating the issue of LEDs and heat. Fixture replacements have demonstrated that it is possible, to have no light loss nor any increase in energy use after 5 years of constant use as well as tens of turn-on / off cycles per day in covered parking applications the same 5 year period.The energy used to light a place ends up completely in heat. It takes the same amount of money for energy to cool a place as you spend lighting it. So every $ saved in indoor lighting is an additional $ saved in air-conditioning.StrategicOverall budgetary planning will still have to consider 3 to 5 year cycles as other parts like furniture and decoration may ware-out faster in high use areas. By implementing highly performing and performance guaranteed lighting systems at least during one or two budget cycles other high-tech advancements can be budgeted for improving the competitiveness of the facility and the productivity of research and students.

How to Pursue a Career in Automotive and Diesel

The automotive and diesel industry supplies several educational training opportunities to students that have a desire to work on automobiles. Students can learn how to pursue a career in automotive and diesel by completing a program based on a particular area of the field such as auto body repair. Vocational colleges offer training programs that teach students to understand automotive and diesel components from a professional standpoint.Pursing education takes multiple steps, the most important of which is to complete a degree program. Before students can enter that step however they need to decide which area of the industry is for them. Many students know what area of the field to enter to make their goals a reality. Students that don’t know which area of the field they would like to pursue should take the time to research their options. This step will tell students what educational programs they need to complete as well as what level of training needs to be worked through. Automotive and diesel training is predominantly offered at vocational colleges.Once an area of study is selected students can move onto completing programs. This second and highly imperative step is the only way to gain entry into many career fields. The next step is worked through once students complete training, which is gaining any necessary certification or licensure. For example, automotive service technicians typically need to obtain certification from the National Institute for Automotive Service Technicians before being hired by employers. This certification centers on subject areas that include knowledge of electrical systems, manual transmissions, and brakes. Each part of the industry has its own professional requirements that students need to be aware of before graduating from programs. After these primary steps are completed students are ready to enter the automotive and diesel industry.Common programs can include:*Auto BodyMechanics in this part of the field work exclusively on the cosmetic repairs that are associated with structural and interior parts of cars and light trucks. Coursework covers non-structural damage, panel repair, body filling, glass repair, anti-collision technology, and more. Students learn the procedures followed to estimate repair costs and understand the limits of repairs on damaged areas.*Automotive Service ManagementPrograms in this area are typically for students that have years of experience being automotive and diesel professionals because they understand how to work on steering, engine repair, and more. Training focuses on taking work experience and applying it to an education in management. Students work through courses that enable them to maintain businesses by facilitating the employee and service areas of the industry.*Diesel MechanicsStudents learn to maintain and repair diesel-operated vehicles. This includes large trucks, heavy equipment, cranes, and more. Courses provide students with the knowledge to work on engines that are incorporated into transportation, farming, and construction industries. Hydraulics, suspensions, and diagnostics are some topics studied.Students can start pursuing their desired careers by deciding which accredited automotive and diesel schools and colleges are for them. The National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence ( ) accredits programs that offer quality training for professional careers. Training will have students becoming professionals in two years or less so begin the process of education today.DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERIC OUTLINE and may or may not depict precise methods, courses and/or focuses related to ANY ONE specific school(s) that may or may not be advertised at 2010 – All rights reserved by

Different Focus Areas in Kitchen Improvement

Kitchen cabinetsKitchen cabinets are one of the most visible features in the kitchen. Their appearance can make or break the general feel of your kitchen. You can play it safe and keep the design good enough or you can experiment with more innovative designs. You can choose to do a cabinet job on your kitchen cabinets to make them more interesting.However, if you are not an experienced contractor, it is best if you call a professional to do your cabinet for you. That way, you’re assured that the work done with your cabinets is of high quality standards.FurnitureWell, since we are only focusing on the kitchen, the only furniture you should actively attend to are the kitchen table, chairs, and a few small tables for flowers and other kitchen decorations. However, if your kitchen is large enough, there is still room for a few more. You can place more chairs in the room. A coffee table is also a welcome addition. Just make sure that you do not crowd everything in the kitchen.To be sure that the room does not look like it is too much, you can hire an interior decorator to arrange your furniture for you-that is, if you have already bought your furniture. If you haven’t, just tell your decorator what you want your kitchen to look like, and he or she can choose the furniture for you.AppliancesLet’s see. The appliances one usually sees in the kitchen are the stove, the fridge, the oven, the toaster, and the dishwasher. But your family can add more depending on your lifestyle. If you have a thing for baking, you can add a special oven for that.Perhaps you are fond of grilling as well. Make sure you appropriately store your appliance for that. Such thing can bring unnecessary dirt to your kitchen. Perhaps you won’t need this if you have a centralized air conditioning, but a ceiling fan above the kitchen table is a good decoration as well.Kitchen fixturesFaucets, lights, and other fixtures must choose to complement the general design of your kitchen. You have to pay extra attention to the wiring and the plumbing, especially if this is a new kitchen in a new house. So much can go wrong if the first installation is not done right. Another thing is that you can place, an island in your kitchen. This is not exactly a fixture, but it’s still considered as an interesting add-on to your kitchen’s overall design.Color schemeJust like with the kitchen cabinets, the color scheme you choose can make or break the aesthetic quality of your kitchen. Of course, it is up to you if you want it sunny, calm, happy, or warm. Those are the common feels of a kitchen so I specifically mentioned them. However, if you have an idea for your kitchen, you can freely discuss that with your contractor.

Simple Steps To Build Your Multi Level Marketing Business Online

There are a few simple steps to build your multi level marketing business online that can not only be surefire, but can literally be easy to learn and implement. Here are a few simple steps to success online with your multi level marketing business online.The first simple step to successfully build your multi level marketing business online will be through developing a solid funnel. “Funnel” is the other word to a solid online presence through either a squeeze page/landing page, or simply through a hosted platform like WORDPRESS. The funnel will be the beginning to not only capturing leads, but to keep them constantly in front of you through your marketing efforts.The next step will be through, of course, the software to capture the information of those visiting your site who wish for further information. This further information will of course be found on another page, hence the “funnel”. This software can be found for FREE online, but for those of us who are serious about our businesses online multilevel or not, the paid platforms have always been the best with the least worry.Marketing effectively through a hosted website will not be the only way to drive the much needed traffic. It is true that multi level and network marketing do require a massive amount of online traffic as the compensation structures are built on extremely large downlines, who’s requirements are to purchase the products and recruit as well. Marketing will then require using more than one method…it will take several methods.These simple steps of marketing online however, can be not only reliable for a steady stream of traffic, but literally FREE! There is however a learning curve to online marketing regardless of the hype given to the “get rich quick” SEO software and so-called SEO strategists who can come at an awfully high price…and sometimes for naught. Learning to master online marketing however could be worth the price paid or the time spent researching and practicing. Remember, implementation will be the only way to master anything you learn online so be prepared to WORK!Steps to build your multi level marketing business online as you can see are simple, but these steps are a learning curve and will take time to master. For many, online marketing seems to be somewhat confusing on first inspection, but given a good training program and or, a partner with the know-how, finding success online with your business could be found.

Making Money Online – How Do We Get There?

Making money online is surely one of the smartest ways to earn money these days. Making money online is not a trick. Making money online is extremely simple and easy if you have the right tools and approach. The research involved with making money online is relatively simple. All in my entire attitude towards making money online is a positive one as I have experienced it to be pretty fruitful one way or the other. I feel in a day and age where our expenses seem to be expanding and our income shrinking making money online is a perfect opportunity for people to create another stream of revenue. My attitude towards making money online is that it’s one of the most empowering and profitable ways of all to earn a living. It seems that the word is spreading amongst people tired of the daily grind of working for someone else that making money online is the way to go. In today’s society, increasing numbers of people are quitting their regular jobs with the hope of becoming one’s own boss and becoming rich but making money online is not a quick fix. One of the most popular methods of making money online is by affiliate marketing where a person becomes an unpaid (commissions only) salesperson for a company, internet or otherwise and is paid for sales, or on occasion leads.I am used to earn in real world, but it is so much more interesting for me to learn how to make money online. Here is the secret that many webmasters overlook: having a website is not enough to make money, you will need to find a way of turning those visitors into a revenue stream. So eyes forward, pay attention, and decide which money making method is best for your website. To me, part of the lure of online money making lies in the creation and execution of ideas. Making money online can be easy, it can be hard, but to make money online the tools are the most important. Many people dream of running their own successful home business to make money and enhance the quality of their life and so they no longer have a boss to answer to. Many are now realizing that good money is made from this source of revenue. I’m sure you want Internet business success and do what so many other people are doing to making money online.Compared to a formal business, doing business on the web does not cost a lot of money. The basic investment you will need is a web site domain, hosting account, autoresponder service and a modest budget if you want to advertise your business to get traffic. It is not like a conventional business where you have to get a loan or mortgage your house for your business start up capital. There’s a lot of money to be made for the ones who truly understand this business. Besides all of that making money from home is a business. Our tax system is designed to help business, not employees. So you can work from home and write off all kinds of things on your taxes as business expenses. Start an Online Business; Starting your own online business or company allows you to make money off the provision of specific services or products you may have. You should do some in depth research before you decide to settle on a specific niche for your business.Affiliate marketing is a big and profitable industry that covers a wide spectrum of topics and fields. Affiliates make money online by referring customers to their merchants. Affiliate Marketing can also bring you great financial success. Affiliates don’t have to endure the stresses and strains of running that company but still have the opportunity to earn a cut of it.Some products sell so fast and with so little work that there payment gateways have actually crashed because of to many sales. With reselling rights you will be able to sell legally someone other products and charge full amount. Also you can make online money with multiple shops if you have the right products. We offer a wide range of products and services, powerful tools and research to help you achieve your goals. Whether you then choose to sell your own services or products to your readers or to recommend them to other services using advertising is entirely up to you. Although you might at some stage want to sell your own products, being an affiliate means you do not have to have one of your own to make money online.My Internet Business is giving you all necessary tools, trainings and support. My Internet Business was created as an answer to the outcry of struggling marketers and seasoned marketers that just want more time freedom. My Internet Business also features professional ad copy written my top internet marketing copywriters to maximize conversions. My Internet Business features one of the most comprehensive training centers ever available to home business entrepreneurs. My Internet Business was created as the solution to finally succeeding online with an internet business. My Internet Business gives you a product library including videos, audio recordings, templates, e-books, and more as well as physical products to get your business started. My Internet Business is also affordable, with start up fees that won’t break the bank, as well as a high commission at the top level, meaning that the amount of work a business owner puts into the program is going to be equal to the amount of money that they are able to get out of the program. My Internet Business offers a expanding range of exclusive products. We have compiled all of the most popular and powerful money making opportunities that every website owner should consider.My Internet Business is one of the most highly anticipated businesses of the 2008 calendar year. My Internet Business is allowing every day individuals to earn a fantastic income working from the comfort of their homes, with no previous online business experience.I would like to add to all this that making money online is not something that happens miraculously. The secret to making money online is focus. The key to making money online is through multiple streams of income. With focus and determination, making money online is not that hard. In truth, making money online is not any different from making money in the real world. One of the greatest advantages of making money online is that you need not be any computer genius to be good at your job. While making money online is easy, and can be fun at the same time, it can also take a considerable amount of time to accomplish. Final Words, Making money online is a great thing.

Finance – How To Beat The Auto Dealers

Finance. Pretty broad term. If you look up the word finance in the dictionary you will find the following definitions.Noun1. The science of the management of money and other assets. 2. The management of money, banking, investments, and credit. 3. finances Monetary resources; funds, especially those of a government or corporate body. 4. The supplying of funds or capital.Verb1. To provide or raise the funds or capital for: financed a new car. 2. To supply funds to: financing a daughter through law school. 3. To furnish credit to.Certainly more than enough material to cover. An associate of mine in the early years of his career after graduating college with a finance degree spent a good number of years in this field. He certainly has a wealth of knowledge to share on a variety of financial topics. So in this first of a 3 part series he is going to enlighten you on the verb side of this equation. More specifically definition number 1. To provide or raise the funds or capital for. Like financing that brand new car of yours. He offers this observation and advice.Financing anything can be a costly proposition especially if you don’t know what you’re doing. This is especially prevalent in one area especially, financing a new car.Rather than bore you with a lot of information that you don’t need I am going to provide you with what information you DO need so that when going to finance that brand new luxury sedan it doesn’t end up costing you a fortune.1. The first thing you have to do is determine your financial situation. How much can you afford to pay each month? Financing a car is a long term proposition. Most new car loans run for about 60 months, or 5 years. That’s 5 years of your life that you need to be prepared to meet a financial obligation or your car ends up repossessed So don’t finance a payment that is more than what you can afford each month.2. Decide what car you want and what you’d be willing to accept. Maybe you want that new Lexus but at $1200 a month financing it’s just way beyond your means. Maybe that $500 a month Chrysler is more in your pocket book range. Sometimes we have to settle for what we can afford. Remember, a car is a means of transportation. You spend less time in your car than in your place of employment or your home. Maybe you just want to get something that will get you to where you want to go.3. Do your homework. There are a boat load of car dealerships out there. Don’t just settle for the first one you see. Shop around. Compare prices of competing dealers. Many times if you bring an ad in from a dealer that is offering the car you want for less money you can get an even better deal from the second dealership. Don’t worry. Everybody does it.4. Don’t settle for the rate the dealer gives you when financing your car. Ask him what the buy rate is from the finance company. If you think that rate is too high tell him you want him to try another finance company. If you’re still not happy with the rate then try your local bank. Many times you can get a better rate just by looking around.5. Don’t let the dealer load you up with things you don’t need like a tow package, undercoating, rust proofing and a lot of other junk. This will just add to the price of the car and the amount being financed.6. Put down as much as you can afford. This will lower the amount financed and therefore lower your monthly payments.If you follow these simple 6 steps you will find that you end up leaving the dealership with a monthly payment you can live with.

Are Inventory Financing Lenders and P O Factoring Solutions Your Best Business Financing Bet?

Your worst business nightmare has just come true – you got the order and contract! Now what though? How can Canadian business survive financing adversity when your firm is unable to traditionally finance large new orders and ongoing growth?The answer is P O factoring and the ability to access inventory financing lenders when you need them! Let’s look at real world examples of how our clients achieve business financing success, getting the type of financing need to acquire new orders and the products to fulfill them.Here’s your best solution – call your banker and let him know you need immediate bulge financing that quadruples your current financing requirements, because you have to satisfy new large orders. Ok… we’ll give you time to pick yourself up off the chair and stop laughing.Seriously though…we all know that the majority of small and medium sized corporations in Canada can’t access the business credit they need to solve the dilemma of acquiring and financing inventory to fulfill customer demand.So is all lost – definitely not. You can access purchase order financing through independent finance firms in Canada – you just need to get some assistance in navigating the minefield of whom, how, where, and when.Large new orders challenge your ability to satisfy them based on how your company is financed. That’s why P O factoring is a probably solution. It’s a transaction solution that can be one time or ongoing, allowing you to finance purchase orders for large or sudden sales opportunities. Funds are used to finance the cost of buying or manufacturing inventory until you can generate product and invoice your clients.Are inventory financing lenders the perfect solution for every firm. No financing ever is, but more often than not it will get you the cash flow and working capital you need.P O factoring is a very stand alone and defined process. Let’s examine how it works and how you can take advantage of it.The key aspects of such a financing are a clean defined purchase order from your customer who must be a credit worthy type customer. P O Factoring can be done with your Canadian customers, U.S. customers, or foreign customers.PO financing has your supplier being paid in advance for the product you need. The inventory and receivable that comes out of that transaction are collateralized by the finance firm. When your invoice is generated the invoice is financed, thereby clearing the transaction. So you have essentially had your inventory paid for, billed your product, and when your customer pays, the transaction is closed.P O factoring and inventory financing in Canada is a more expensive form of financing. You need to demonstrate that you have solid gross margins that will absorb an additional 2-3% per month of financing cost. If your cost structure allows you to do that and you have good marketable product and good orders you’re a perfect candidate for p o factoring from inventory financing lenders in Canada.Don’t want to navigate that maze by yourself? Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can ensure you maximize the benefits of this growing and more popular business credit financing model.

Land Based Casinos Vs Online Casinos

There is a growing debate between the popularity of land casinos versus online casinos. While the basic format of the casinos is the same, the debate comes when choosing a casino to suit you, the player. Choosing the type of casino is a difficult choice, but once the type of game has been decided, there are several points to note on the different casinos.The slot machines are the key to deciding on the better type of casino, as they give a good indication of the level of game play in the casino itself. While the slot machines themselves are similar, in that you insert the coin and pull the handle, hoping to match the symbols to win the prize, the differences are many, and it’s important to understand these differences when making your decision.The payout of the machines has a large impact on the decision. A land based casino has a considerably smaller payout percentage than an online casino. This is mostly due to the overheads that the land casinos have to pay out to run the casino. For example, they have mechanics, waiters, cleaners, and dealers, and these are paid through the house profits of the machines. An online casino usually only has a few workers that require payment. In this way, the payouts are generally higher, and will entice a larger customer base due to the increased rates.The larger customer base of the online casinos largely attracts more customers. The more people playing the machines at one given times increases the popularity, thus making it seem as though there is an advantage to playing the slots at that particular casino. There are so many online casinos that each site has to offer the best service in order to keep your custom. Land based casinos have no real need to do this, because the chances of having another casino in the same city are quite small, and people rarely want to travel a long distance to find other slot machines.If you do decide to travel to another land based casino, it is important to be aware that the casinos may have dress codes, or other rules to follow that may be different to the previous one you visited. An online casino is a great way to sit in the comfort of your own home without having to worry about what to wear, or what to eat. It is up to you to decide how you spend your time, and your credits whilst playing for the top prizes. It is also possible on many online sites to chat to other users via a chat function, so that you still have the interaction with other players.It is easy to fall for the gimmicks that can be put up on certain casino sites, making it impossible for you to win any prizes. Sometimes, the lack of winnings could be down to the player not being used to that particular machine. In a land based casino, it is therefore wise to play at a number of different slot machines to find the right one for you. However, this could prove costly, and you could end up spending your money before you’ve found a machine that works for you. With an online casino, there is always a section where you can either download a trial version of their machines, or enter a java page. This enables you to play the slots for free, and implement any strategies you have before playing with real money.There is a worry that using your own money is not safe with an online casino. Credit card fraud is a common crime, and it is wise to be wary about giving your details over the internet. To ease your mind, casinos use a secure server that transfers any money quickly and easily, and generally doesn’t store any personal information where it can be accessed by other users. Confidentiality is a major factor when creating an account with these sites, and the owners of the casinos understand that in order for you to keep playing their wide range of games, they must stick to their own rules.When thinking about the wide range of games, a land based casino doesn’t offer the same variety. Mostly this is due to space in the room, and the cost of having many different machines. There is also the fact that only one person can be playing the same game, so there may be an empty machine in one area, and a queue in another. Because an online casino deals with the software for a certain machine, there is no limit to how many can play, and there is an unlimited amount of space to have a wider variety of machines.To entice customers to play their games, many casinos offer many bonuses. A land based casino will typically offer bonuses such as luxury holidays in the form of hotel visits, cruises or plane tickets. These are offered with the requirement of obtaining a certain number of points or wins, or for being a member of their casino for a given length of time. It is sometimes difficult to obtain these points, as there is no guarantee of keeping the same machine for a long period of time to build up the points that you need for the prizes. The benefits to playing online are endless. Casinos offer similar rewards to their land based predecessor, and there are no limits to the length of time a player is allowed to use the machines. To help you with the ability to play these games, many casinos will give a player free credits, or free games to play the machines as a bonus for being on the site for a certain amount of time. Downloading software versions of the slots means that players have no time restriction, and is free to come and go as they please, and will always be able to play that particular game.